The LB Acting Studio Blog

Are You Ready For An Agent: Part One

I’ve met thousands of young actors over the years. One of the most commonly asked questions is “How do I get an agent?”This is not the most important question! I know this might be tough to read, but hang in there with me…The most important question is “Am I ready for an agent?”, and more specifically: “What type of agent am I ready for/ what type of agent do I need?” There’s an array of agents that cater to different needs. There are agents that deal strictly with Background Performers, agents that only represent actors commercially, to day-player roles all...

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New Years Resolutions

THE NEW YEARS BLOG:Making New Years resolutions has always left me a little suspicious. Why? There’s always been a tiny tremor of doubt that I was simply setting myself up for disappointment. These “resolutions” felt as lame and as anemic as a Hallmark Christmas movie plot. I’d sometimes feel a knot in my stomach anticipating the moment (often within weeks) of the new year that I would break one. What seemed like a sure bet would just as soon evaporate into the land of “why bother” or “maybe next year”.   I concluded that making a New Year's resolution was...

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Why Generosity & Gratitude Are Keys to Being a Great Actor

Step 7/ Spend time cultivating and being grateful for people who appreciate and believe in you. Generosity is the best gift of all.   Generosity The highest compliment an actor can give to another is “they were generous”.    Many years ago, I worked with a student who had a scene with Michael Douglas. He had a small but intense role with not many lines, his character needed to have a confession beaten out of him. Michael Douglas’ character then enters the scene to extract his justice, and my student begs the Douglas character for his life. It was a...

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Why Complaining Gets You Nowhere

STEP 6 - Stop complaining! Don’t sit around waiting for the phone to ring! Create your own work. Embrace the joy of creation.  I grew up with 2 brothers and a sister. As you can imagine, there was a lot of complaining and blaming going on. If we went running to our father, he would respond with - “complaints 2nd floor.” We lived in a bungalow. When we got older, he loved telling the story of three soldiers who were separated from their unit and were lost in the jungle of enemy territory. One soldier has his eyes peeled for...

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