The LB Acting Studio Blog

You've Got An Audition: Part Two

THE HOBBIT PREPARES TO ENTER THE ROOMIf you haven't read PART ONE, please start HERE The actual techniques we use to help actors memorize and break down scripts for auditions will have be part of a much longer, detailed blog. In fact, it most likely will have to wait for my book or a training video. However, the point of this blog series is not the particulars of “how to do” this or that, but the state your brain is in through it all. Your brain goes through many different chemical stages throughout the audition process. From when you prepare for...

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You've Got An Audition: Part One

A Hobbit or Gollum: Who do you want to be? GOLLUMYour heart is racing as you enter the audition room (virtual or live). Maybe you try and occupy space and smile waiting to be told what to do. Maybe you have a pre-thought of something clever to say to break the tension when you enter. Your voice rides high on you accidentally or perhaps you pitch it lower deliberately. Your heart beats fast like a ticking bomb. You try to remember all the cliché’s: “be yourself,” “just have fun,” “they want you to book the job, otherwise they wouldn’t see...

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Whose Choice is it Anyway?

We all intuitively know that our choices in life tell us (and the world) a lot about ourselves. Ultimately, these choices define who we are. It can sentence us to a potential lifetime of regret or shame or to a confirmation of living by our values, which result in deep satisfaction. We can experience pride and joy as easily as shame and despair. What we choose to do and how we respond to the consequences of these choices will be the measure of us – both on screen and in the “real world.” It is not the “big story” that will always...

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Are You Ready For An Agent: Part Two

THE PROCESS OF LEAVING AN AGENT SHOULD YOU OR SHOULDN’T YOU? The next part of the “How do I find an agent” question is “How do I know when to leave an agent?” As I said in the previous blog the answer in theory is simple, although, sometimes less so in execution. Here are the introductory steps: Communication. Honesty (Being honest with yourself AND being honest with your agent) If we continue to pursue the premise that your relationship with your agent is no different than any other relationship in your life (familial, friendship, romantic etc.) the following holds up...

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