The LB Acting Studio Blog

The Power & Practice of Curiosity

CURIOSITY  “THE ONLY TRUE WISDOM COMES TO EACH OF US WHEN WE REALIZE HOW LITTLE WE UNDERSTAND ABOUT LIFE, OURSELVES AND THE WORLD AROUND US.” - Socrates  “Curiouser and Curiouser”- Lewis Carroll It starts with curiosity. Curiosity breeds a desire to know. As your desire to know grows it requires the courage to go deeper, to acknowledge and discover truths you may not be willing to accept. To embrace the changes, it might ask of you. Discipline is required to overcome the fears and doubts that prevent you from being curious in the first place. Curiosity breeds empathy. How does curiosity affect us?There...

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The Practice of Empathy

It’s a sad indictment of our contemporary society that empathy is disappearing as fast as the rainforests, leaving its toxic air and a barren emotional landscape behind. We all need to be more conscientious of our empathy reserves. It’s an unfortunate fact that we will all need to recover, rediscover and reaffirm our ‘well’ of empathy. Throughout this blog, I will lay out a number of do’s and don’ts in order to achieve this. Almost every trend in our current landscape is leading us away from the core of what it means to be a creative artist. How many pictures...

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The Power of Empathy

The Hopi Indian's have an exquisite expression "What all humankind share is our aloneness and it is the gift of the Gods to grant us the ability to share with one another to overcome that aloneness."For secular and acting purposes we will call this natures' gift of empathy and the single most important and powerful tool for actors: without it our ability to understand and feel for one another and our humanity will be lost. Our ability to share it with others will be diminished and we lose the privilege to call ourselves artists. We would not know how to love, share, hate or steal for that matter....

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Transitions: The Later Teen Years

THE LATER TEEN YEARS are the ones fraught with the most anxiety. Hormones speak louder than words yet often make us deaf to common sense. Whoever came up with the expression “patience is a virtue” raised a teenager.   There are many coming of age stories. There are romantic ones (“The Twilight Saga”) and tragic ones (“Romeo and Juliet”). They can appear in every genre. The horror genre is perfect for stereotypes. “Carrie” being the greatest one of all. “The Breakfast Club” remains a benchmark coming of age film.  My personal favorites are “Stand by Me” and “My Own Private...

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